Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Try our Tips for Parking Next to a Curb

Parking next to a curb is annoying, yet doable with Canvey Carriage Company’s tips for parking next to a curb that you just have to try out on your next trip to town.

Parking, It Can Be Annoyingly Complicated

If you’re looking for a competitively priced, top quality used car, that drives and more importantly in this case, parks, like a dream, Canvey Carriage Company has your back. A Canvey, Essex-based used vehicle broker, we’re sure to have the right car for you when you walk onto our lot.

A LOT of people moan about parking when they’re looking to buy the right used car. Once you’ve found the right vehicle for you, you need to know how to park it. Parking can be annoyingly complicated whatever the circumstances; however it’s never more annoying than when you have to park right up to be curb.

Canvey Carriage Company’s Guide to Parking Next to a Curb

In the heavily urbanised world in which we live, parking next to a curb is something you really can’t avoid, even if it’s just to pop into the local supermarket for five minutes. However, the precise nature if the task can make it tricky to pull off, so when you’re attempting to park next to a curb, make sure you are…

Checking Your Mirrors: Curb parking is precise, so before you do anything, check your mirrors to see how much space you have to work with. Keep on checking them as you park, to make sure you’ve not bashed yours, or someone else’s car.

Signalling: You need to signal whenever you drive into a curb parking spot, so that other drivers know what you are doing, and know to go around you. Safety first!

Slowing the Car Down: Don’t drive into a curb parking space at breakneck speeds; you could break your neck. Try covering (placing your foot on the pedals but not pressing) the brake and the clutch, so you can ease the car into place.

Using Reference Points: Work out how much space you have to work with, and use the curb itself, any lines on the road, and any other cars around you as reference points. This lets you know how much space you have, and gives you a benchmark to know whether you are parking right. I.e. if you are in line with the cars in front and behind you, and on the same lines on the road as they are, then you know you’ve probably got it right!

Use these tips, and you’ll be parking perfectly next to your local curb in no time. Well, as long as you practise, practise, practise!